Game Reviews : Split Second

Split Second : Disney Interactive




2]Thumbs up

Best Arcade Racing Experience
Very Addictive
Gorgeous Graphics
Tough Fighter To the Burnout Series

Thumbs Down

Graphics Seems Unpolished
The sound levels are not Constant
No Strong plot
Menu’s can be a bit Better


Some Information

Split Second,game published by Disney is one of the best racing games released and designed taking in mind about the functionality and the game dynamics.As much a Kart racer as an arcade racing title, Split/Second is as predicated on screwing over other competitors as finding a perfect driving line. The premise is simple: as a contestant on the television show Split/Second, you’ll race against other drivers on a track designed to be destroyed.
Mind you the first Reaction who plays the game will be Jaw dropping as the graphics is Super cool and very realistic.The game is most enjoyable and given complete justice at a high resolution and at max Settings .The specifications for this game is a bit high , so please watch out before buying and trying the game out. Those in doubt can still Check whether their Pc Configs are enough for the game to be played by going to this site :
Split/Second has the most impressive destruction and explosions yet seen in a racing game. Forget Burnout and Motorstorm; from passenger jets exploding across a tarmac as you race under a wing, to detonating power plant cooling towers, to collapsing train tracks, Split/Second assaults your eyes as soon as you’re off the starting line. There’s so much going on during races that it’s often difficult to navigate the game’s courses, though the designers usually do a pretty good job of marking turns and plastering visual cues around the track.
Structured like a television show, Split/Second’s singleplayer mode plays out over a 12 episode “season”. There are 4 races immediately available in each unlocked episode, and winning or placing in races rewards players with credits, which unlock additional cars and grant access to each episode’s Elite race. The variety of different types of races and the credit based mission unlock model help to make sure you’re never spending much time on race modes that don’t catch your fancy, and really help mix things up.
As mentioned in ‘The Thumbs down’ Segment,  There are other tiny issues, of course. Though there are a large number of courses, these are all plotted out in the same 4 or 5 environments. The multiplayer is a recipe for profanity laced good times with friends, but take note: you can only race with the cars you’ve unlocked in the singleplayer mode. There is full split screen support for two players locally though, which works very well (but 4 players would have been nice, as unrealistic as it might have been).

Final Stats


With some very slick design and a minimal UI that remains functional and cool, Split/Second’s presentation is stylish and effective.


Split/Second’s visuals make it a point of showing you spectacle like you’ve never seen it in a racing game before, and the lighting and environments steal the show.


While the music wears out its welcome quickly, Split/Second’s audio is aggressive and powerful, practically demanding that you play at high volume on a good sound setup.


Some great kart-style racing mechanics are occasionally undermined by some age-old arcade racer problems, but things remain fun and accessible throughout.

Lasting Appeal
Between the lengthy singleplayer campaign and frantic, constantly shifting multiplayer battles, Split/Second can keep you busy for quite some time.


The game is Great and as mentioned it is truely Addicting . If you feel your PC is ready for it , you must really check this baby out !!.


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About GoDigitalPlus

Anoop Sudhakaran is Tech Blogger from Mumbai. His areas of interest include Blogging,Gaming,Internet Surfing,Computers. At GoDigitalPlus he writes about Computers,Blogging,Windows Tips,Hacking,Reviews.
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